Terence Blacker
Terence Blacker
Ms Wiz's Bebo
Terence Blacker Children's Author
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When Matthew's crazy American cousin suddenly arrives on his doorstep, it's a big shock for the whole family. Sam is small, blond and wild - with a giant attitude problem - and he immediately starts to wreak havoc on Matthew's social life. Desperate to get their own back, Matthew and his best friends cook up a brilliant, outrageous plot that will bring Sam down a peg or two AND deal a stunning blow to the bitchiest girls at school.

Victory is theirs. Until Operation Sam runs hysterically out of control.

What Terence Says...
This has never happened to me before or since, but a film producer came up with the idea for BOY2GIRL. She wanted to make a film about a teenage boy who has to disguise himself as a girl - and before there was a film, the film producer thought, there should be a book. At first, I thought the idea was a bit silly. Then Sam came into my head and I started thinking about how differently boy teenagers and girl teenagers are treated in the modern world. If all my books were as fun to write as this one was, I would be a very happy author. BOY2GIRL might still be film.

What They Say...

"I roared with laughter" ---> The Times

"Hugely funny, then painfully affecting. offers genuine insights amongst the laughter" ---> Guardian

"Blacker brings gender bending to a new level of hilarity and suspense." ---> Publishers Weekly